What is the structure of my organisation and how can I change it?

Your organisation is composed of three levels: the cost centre, the delivery point and the distribution point.

  1. The Invoice Site

    This is the address which is used on the financial documents (bills, credit notes, payment requests...).

  2. The Delivery Site

    This is the address at which your cards will be delivered.

  3. The Distribution Point

    The distribution points allow you to make distinctions between different delivery points on a same address (e.g. reception, employees, third floor....). The name of the distribution point is also named on the packages in which we send you your new cards. 



    Your employees are known at their distribution point. Therefore, it is obliged to add a reference of the distribution point on your orders. You can find more information about the orders here.

You can add Delivery Sites and Distribution Points through your customer webspace on www.myedenred.lu.

To add a cost centre, you have to contact our client service by means of the web form.



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